Category Archives: “It’s Just Lunch”

2016 Holiday Party

AAUW Kaua`i Branch 2nd Annual Holiday Party

Join in the Holiday Fun on Sat, Dec 10, 2016 from 3-6pm at Sun Village’s Recreational Room, next to Wilcox.   Potluck, Music, Games:  Bring partners and friends and get your Holiday On!

“Malama Pono Paradise Ride”

The time has rolled around again for the annual Paradise Bike Ride sponsored by Malama Pono Health Services, the organization that provides care and support for Kauai’s HIV/AIDS community

For several years AAUW has (wo)manned a rest stop for the ride at the park at Brenneke’s Beach in Poipu.  This year, our stop is at the Kilauea Neighborhood Center, Sunday, Aug 7 from 9-11 am.   Malama Pono requested we have 4 people staff the rest stop.  We are supplied with snacks, water, and gatorade that we set up and provide for the riders as they pass through our rest stop.  Smiles and encouragement are greatly appreciated.  Please contact CeCe Caldwell for more info!

Check out their FB link:       http://Paradise Ride Kauai



Mahalo to Treasurer, Liz Crites, for creating an AAUW-Kaua`i team to walk on behalf of this worthy cause.

Take a look at the link and please join us.  If you can’t join us, please consider a donation towards this cause.



Membership Meeting

AAUW Kaua`i 

Membership Meeting

Saturday,  November 5
10:30 am:  Meet & Greet
11:00 am:  Program
Noon:  Lunch & Socialize
All Saints Church, Memorial Hall, Kapaa
Guest Speaker:  
Cynthia Hannah White
Kaua`i Estate Law
J.D. Cornell University
Don’t avoid it!  Let’s Talk About IT!
Cynthia takes a subject that many of us find confusing or overwhelming;  brings her expertise in Estate Planning AND  makes it interesting.   Bring a spouse or a friend.
Please join us for this informational meeting AND Holly’s famous “Make A Salad Potluck” afterwards.  Bring something to add to the salad:  lettuce, kale, veggies, or your favorite salad dressing.
The last “Make A Salad Potluck” was
Join like-minded women who have been privileged to achieve a college education and share our ideas and enthusiasm about making our Branch innovative, interesting and effective.
See you there!
Mahalo CeCe Caldwell and All Saints Church for providing their “Memorial Hall” once again for our Meeting!

“It’s Just Lunch”

Please join us Oct 19 for a special “IT’S JUST LUNCH” treat at Kukui Grove Center in Lihue.   KSA Branch President, Rose Anne Jones, is also on the Board for the Kauai Society of Artists (KSA) and Chair of KSA’s Premier Exhibition “ART Kaua`i” which runs through Oct 28.

Rose Anne will provide a short “walk and talk” of this exciting exhibit of award winning Kaua`i artists.  After, we’ll walk down to Kalapaki Joes for lunch outside in their patio.  It will be a Fun Outing and we hope you can join us!  

  • Noon, Oct 19, 2016 
  • Kauai Society of Artists Gallery, (E8 next to Foot Locker) Kukui Grove Center, Lihue
  • 12:45 pm Kalapaki Joes (across from Ross), Kukui Grove Center